A Series 2-Way NO Max Gas Flow Rate

Gems Sensors & Controls
Flow rates are calculated with room temperature water and ported bodies. Manifold Mount bodies will result in slightly lower flow rates due to more flow path turns.

PS61 on Scissor Lifts

Gems Sensors & Controls
When a construction worker or repairman needs to reach high up inside a building to work on an overhead light or outside of a building to work on an exterior window, a scissor lift (or mobile aerial work platform) is employed.

What is a Limiter?

Gems Sensors & Controls
A Limiter, or Limit Device, is an electronic protective device used to read an input value from a measuring device and, with a programmed setpoint limit value, stop a potentially unsafe condition from continuing.

What is an Indicator?

Gems Sensors
An indicator, sometimes called a digital meter or display, is an electronic device used to read an input value from a measuring device and show a displayed value.