CNC Machining Transmission Oil Monitoring Using Level Sensors


Shops using CNC machining benefit greatly from monitoring spindle transmission oil as it aids in the optimization of the machine’s operation. With low level indication, the operator is notified that the transmission oil needs to be replenished. This is important because without proper transmission oil level the potential damage to the machine is greatly increased.

LS-300 pop flange (1)Challenge: Low-level indication

In this application a level sensor with simple installation but reliable service is a must.  The challenge is repeatable indication without false positives to prevent unnecessary machine damage and downtime.

Solution: Gems LS-300 series level switch

The solution is a Gems compact LS-300 series level switch with POP flange mounting to aid in simple installation into the machine's available footprint.  The reed switch based product provides reliability, insuring machine uptime.